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  1. Posted 1/9/2021, 09:49

    What is the use of manga sub-screening? In each page, different shapes of scene frames are cut out to arrange and represent the storyline. The frames are assumed to be scenes seen through the lens of a camera, and are represented by drawing using various camera manipulation techniques. The voices of the characters and other sounds are also drawn, and the size and texture of the sounds are visualized.日本動漫

    Camera angle, height of view (flat view): the most natural and intimate, capable of realistically representing important scenes, expressions and actions. Generally used for the performance of scenes with a strong sense of reality. High angle (top view): high angle when the character looks smaller, can be used to show the intention of softness or sadness, but also suitable for illustrating the position of the character. Low angle (looking up): At low angle, the character will give the impression of being tall, majestic and stable, which can be used to show the intention of power, strength, domination, etc. and reflect the sense of tension and oppression.日本教育

    When the composition of a comic book is monotonous, in order to add some interest to the picture, shots taken from multiple angles can be linked together to create a sense of movement, but if this method is used too much in succession, it will cause a time delay. Lens scenes are mainly divided into close-up shots, panoramic shots, far and near shots (a shot containing both far, medium and near views), the actual drawing of the split lens selection to be rich and reasonable, lens switching and reasonable collocation can make the picture more immersive and interesting.jump漫畫

    Lens zoom - close the lens, to ensure that the camera position remains unchanged, by adjusting the focal length, so that the camera lens to the camera object closer or farther, so as to gradually zoom in or out of the object being photographed. It is worth noting that zooming can cause visual confusion if used too much, so it is best to use it only when dramatic effects need to be expressed. In comics, zooming in is usually used to show the gradual approach of the subject, which can make the picture dynamic.童年回憶

    Lens zoom - a distant lens, in comic sub-screening, is used to gradually zoom in or out on the subject by adjusting the focal length to bring the camera lens closer to or further away from the subject, while keeping the camera position unchanged. It is worth noting that the zoom operation can cause visual confusion if used too much, so it is best to use it only when you need to show dramatic effects. Pulling away from the lens by the presentation of the surrounding situation to illustrate the relationship between the location of the object, as well as the relationship with other places.

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