1. What is the use of manga subplot in anime manga?

    AvatarBy soulou il 1 Sep. 2021
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    What is the use of manga sub-screening? In each page, different shapes of scene frames are cut out to arrange and represent the storyline. The frames are assumed to be scenes seen through the lens of a camera, and are represented by drawing using various camera manipulation techniques. The voices of the characters and other sounds are also drawn, and the size and texture of the sounds are visualized.日本動漫

    Camera angle, height of view (flat view): the most natural and intimate, capable of realistically representing important scenes, expressions and actions. Generally used for the performance of scenes with a strong sense of reality. High angle (top view): high angle when the character looks smaller, can be used to show the intention of softness or sadness, but also suitable for illustrating the position of the character. Low angle (looking up): At low angle, the character will give the impression of being tall, majestic and stable, which can be used to show the intention of power, strength, domination, etc. and reflect the sense of tension and oppression.日本教育

    When the composition of a comic book is monotonous, in order to add some interest to the picture, shots taken from multiple angles can be linked together to create a sense of movement, but if this method is used too much in succession, it will cause a time delay. Lens scenes are mainly divided into close-up shots, panoramic shots, far and near shots (a shot containing both far, medium and near views), the actual drawing of the split lens selection to be rich and reasonable, lens switching and reasonable collocation can make the picture more immersive and interesting.jump漫畫

    Lens zoom - close the lens, to ensure that the camera position remains unchanged, by adjusting the focal length, so that the camera lens to the camera object closer or farther, so as to gradually zoom in or out of the object being photographed. It is worth noting tha...

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    Last Post by soulou il 1 Sep. 2021
  2. How to whiten your skin on a daily basis with good results

    AvatarBy soulou il 27 Aug. 2021
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    As the saying goes, "A white color covers up a hundred ugly things". For the female group, beautiful white skin is their constant goal. Today brings you a few ways to whiten quickly, not to be missed!kiehl's美白精華

    1, regular removal of old keratin, whitening whitening the first step should be done is to regularly remove old keratin, but do not be too frequent removal of keratin. Although the old keratin is due to dark spots produced in the basal layer of the skin, but too keen to remove keratin, will damage the skin stratum corneum, so that the skin becomes more sensitive. Daily life can be better by local exfoliation and then whitening steps. Note: After washing your face daily, do not use a towel to scrub your face hard, such a rude action will also cause keratin damage, which is not conducive to the whitening steps.撕拉面膜推薦

    2, pay attention to the moisturizing steps, whitening is a process of accelerating the flaking of melanin deposits, is also a process of purifying the surface skin keratin. Therefore, in the whitening process also need to focus on moisturizing, so that the skin after whitening to get enough moisture and nutrients to moisturize the skin to a better state of metabolism to achieve the effect of whitening. Note: moisturizing is best to use tools such as cotton pads for facial moisturizing, not only to clean up old keratin, but also to shrink pores. If you use water directly to shoot moisturizing water and moisturizing milk for convenience, the result will be counterproductive. Because if the hands are not clean enough, in the process of patting will be bacteria and other pat into the skin of the face, which will destroy the cleanliness of the skin.護膚品推薦

    3, lemon whitening, in addition to the daily steps of skin care beauty whitening methods, some physical whitening methods are also extremely effective. For example, the use of fresh lemon juice, add twice t...

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    Last Post by soulou il 27 Aug. 2021
  3. Come i genitori possono nutrire il potenziale musicale del loro bambino

    AvatarBy soulou il 20 Aug. 2021
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    A molte madri piace usare la musica come un modo per insegnare ai loro bambini. In effetti, imparare la musica dopo la nascita può essere molto benefico per i bambini, sviluppando la loro intelligenza e stimolando la loro immaginazione. Allora, sapete come i genitori possono nutrire il potenziale musicale del loro bambino? Quali sono i benefici della musica per i bambini? Scopriamolo! È importante creare le condizioni perché i bambini ascoltino, guardino, cantino e si esercitino di più secondo la loro età.兒童睡前故事

    Per esempio, gli adulti dovrebbero sempre ascoltare la musica e lasciare che i bambini cantino e si esercitino con la musica. L'apprendimento della musica è integrato nella vita e nei giochi dei bambini attraverso attività musicali vivaci e divertenti, permettendo ai bambini di sentirsi e divertirsi partecipando alle attività. Per esempio, i bambini imparano a suonare strumenti musicali, ballare, cantare, ecc. I bambini impareranno la musica in modo rilassato e divertente attraverso il canto, la danza, il gioco e il movimento attraverso una varietà di giochi e intrattenimenti.兒童成長

    I bambini possono partecipare ad attività musicali ed esibirsi per acquisire conoscenze e abilità musicali attraverso la partecipazione diretta e l'esperienza di varie espressioni musicali, e attraverso la percezione dell'intensità, del tempo, del ritmo e del timbro della musica. Per esempio, i bambini possono ascoltare la musica e creare movimenti, usare piccoli strumenti musicali per suonare vari modelli ritmici, ed essere ""piccoli insegnanti"" e ""piccoli agitatori di dita"" per nutrire e sviluppare le abilità musicali dei bambini.培養孩子解難能力

    Nel processo di sviluppo delle abilità musicali dei bambini, si dovrebbe porre l'accento sullo sviluppo del loro senso dell'intonazione, del ritmo e della sensibilità musicale, in modo che possano mostrare interesse per la musica, il canto e la danza, nonché i loro talenti creativi fin dalla più tenera età. Gli adulti dovrebbero prestare particolare attenzione a proteggere e nutrire le capacità musi...

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    Last Post by soulou il 20 Aug. 2021
  4. There are at least three taps in every house
    Washbasin, kitchen washbasin, bathtub, washing machine

    AvatarBy szmissdoi il 20 June 2021
    3 Comments   44 Views


    Most households buy just one of the many 廚房水龍頭 of the same type to install in their homes, regardless of the space or application needs. In fact, not scientifically, one home can be equipped with three faucets: single cold, cold & warm and bubble type.


    The taps can be divided into washbasin, kitchen washbasin, bathtub, washing machine and mopping sink taps according to their use, but they can also be divided into single cold ordinary taps, induction taps, cold and warm taps and water-saving taps with bubbler 廚房水龍頭.
    It is divided into the following categories Washbasin, kitchen sink, bathtub faucet is generally cold type and warm type and foaming type, washing machine, mop pool faucet can use a single cold type, balcony and other places are generally not recommended to buy foam.


    The faucet is not ready for use


    Most people are used to waking up in the morning, unscrewing the tap and using it directly, but generally speaking, before you can use the tap the next day, you must first let out the water that has accumulated in the tap, generally overnight.


    As for the faucet, people say that they "smell the discoloration of lead", but in fact, even the best faucet is difficult to avoid the precipitation contamination of lead components to a greater or lesser extent, but generally can be reduced to a standard level due to the role of the lead protective film inside the faucet.


    However, if water stays in the tap for a long time, the lead protective coating can be removed and the lead can dissolve in the water and precipitate. In particular, conventional taps and water pipes are prone to rusting and contaminating the water, so it is advisable to drain the yellow water from the pipes before getting up early. In terms of product choice, stainless steel taps are healthier but also more expensive.

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    Edited by szmissdoi - 25/6/2021, 13:11
    Last Post by AA GLOXY il 20 Feb. 2024